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                PRODUCT LIST
                Cable lugs & terminals
                connector tubes & clamps
                line fittings & insulating fittings
                Arrester , drop out fuse, switch disconnector
                Electric accessories
                Cable accessories
                Plastic products
                OUR CERTIFICATION
                Phoenix company's Web site link
                Cable lugs & terminals - A total of 13 categories of;
                Cable lug coated with tin
                Cable lug coated with tin
                DTG JG
                DTG JG
                Bimetal lug
                Bimetal lug
                Copper cable lug
                Copper cable lug
                Aluminum cable lug
                Aluminum cable lug
                Water-proof copper lug
                Water-proof copper lug
                copper open connecting nose
                copper open connecting nose
                C45 plug-in needle
                C45 plug-in needle
                RNB,SNB bare terminals
                RNB,SNB bare terminals
                bolted terminal connectors
                bolted terminal connectors
                 SY aluminum connectors
                SY aluminum connectors
                SY(T) series of copper connectors
                SY(T) series of copper connectors
                 JTL JTT JTG series T clamp and insulating sheath
                JTL JTT JTG series T clamp and insulating sheath
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